Monday, February 18, 2013

Krispy Kreme Challenge Complete!

The Krispy Kreme Challenge is as the name suggests...a challenge. You need to have a plan. I had a plan and executed it very well! Even though the course was longer this time, I was still able to finish 2 minutes faster! So, my plan was as follows: Have 2 bottles of water Pair of plastic gloves Gallon ziploc bag Run the first half as quick as I can Grab my box and begin eating the first doughnut while looking for a place to sit Smash 3 "cold nows" at a time in the ziploc bag Chew as quickly as I can and drink water to wash them down With a little over half a doughnut left make my way to the chute to show my empty box Put the rest in my mouth, continue chewing, show my empty box and take off running Refrain from smacking the smart aleck 2 blocks up asking if any of us wanted another doughnut haha! And most important, keep your eyes straight ahead to avoid any interesting sights on the ground. Pretty good plan. My splits were 19 min to run 2.5 miles, a little under 12 minutes to eat the cold nows, and 21 minutes to run back 2.5 miles. My finishing time was 52:02! yay! I did feel like I was going to get sick a couple of times and then especially near the finish when those 2 people lost their stomach contents. All in all it was a fun race. I don't want to see a doughnut anytime soon-probably about 4 months-that's what it took last time anyway. Thanks for reading!!

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