Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ahh...the heat...

Hydration is important in a runner's life and so much more so when the temperature creeps up and up. Just drinking water while you run is not good enough. You need to stay hydrated throughout the day and night. Planning ahead will eliminate lots of problems.
I like to carry my hand bottle filled with Gatorade or water and a wet bandana with me while I run. It gives me a little bit of relief as I dab my face. Sprinklers are a help too!

So, my run class is going very well. We are slowly building up their endurance each week. Several comment that they can see improvement and of course, this makes me very happy! We have about 6 weeks until the 5K, I can't wait to see how they do.
Happy Running to you all!

The cutest Runner Girl!

2012 Summer group (minus 3)

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