Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fit-tastic, Fair food and Fun classes

This was a good week of running. Total mileage = 37.98 miles. Had a great time with my buddies at Fit-tastic Monday and Wednesday night. Very exciting to see others do something they didn't think they could accomplish.
I ran a 15 miler on Saturday and found some new sidewalks and other places to run around Garner. The last 3 miles were somewhat difficult, but I kept trudging along and finished at a good, slow time of 2:31. The long runs are all about slow and being on your feet for a long, long time. The full will be here before I know it...I'm very excited-but you know that already.

I am still waiting for registration to open for the Dec class where I will hopefully be USATF Level 1 certified to coach. In the meantime, I found something else on the USATF site. It is called the United States Sports Academy and they have different educational programs to choose from. At some point in the near future, I want to work with runners and help them reach their goals. I know that I need a lot of experience, so the US Sports Academy will be a huge help. I signed up for my first class and can't wait for my book to come in so I can get started.

The course is called, Scientific Principles of Coaching and the description:
--In order to optimize performances, guarantee safety, and promote well-being in athletes, coaches must constantly update and modify their coaching practices by regularly seeking out new knowledge in the sport sciences. This course is designated to teach coaches to be active consumers and appliers of scientific information.--

My nephew Ricky Buffaloe, Jr. is getting married on Saturday. I am so excited for him. We love Britney Jones and welcome her to our family. She's a runner too! I can't say now, cause it is a surprise, but something is happening at the rehearsal dinner that will be most hilarious!!

And, one more thing-the NC State Fair is here this week! I love the fair-not the rides but the food! Sometimes people make comments about my food choices like if I eat some cake or candy, they ask, "are you supposed to eat that?" or, "you eat junk food?" I posted this on FB but wanted you all to know as well, that I ate an entire bag of cotton candy, almost an entire funnel cake, Al's Fries and almost an entire Butcher boys steak sandwich last Thursday night. When I go back this week, I will eat more of the same. Yes, I watch what I eat but, all things in moderation. I don't do this every week. Just sayin'

Have a good week. Here are 2 quotes from I Love to Run:
The pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret.
Run hard when it's hard to run.


Kellie said...

Kudos to you on your new running training. I am walking 6 days a week most weeks. It has been good. :)

I ate lots of yummy-not-so-good-for-me- foods at the fair yesterday, too. And, like you said.. I don't eat like that every day. Everything in moderation because the fair only comes once a year. :)

Rebecca said...

Oddly, there wasn't much that appealed to me this year at the Fair. I wanted an apple dumpling or pie from the apple hut, and I have always been too full by the time we got there, so this year I waited. The line ended up being out the door AND I'd have to wait in a second line for ice cream, and I was just over it at that point!

Oh well. There's always next year. :)