Even though this is a blog about how running changed my life, I must pause to remember those who lost their lives on 9-11-01. I remember exactly where I was on that morning...chapel at WCA. When we found out what was going on, it was hard to concentrate the rest of the day. We watched the news footage and I really was having a hard time comprehending what was going on. It seemed so surreal. So much has changed since that day but it has only made our country stronger! So many have given their lives for the sake of our freedom-can I just pause to say that all of those protesting at military funerals are just idiots! those same soldiers are keeping this country free and allow you to do such idiotic things as protesting...really makes me angry!-okay, back to my rememberance--we owe so much to those military personnel but also to the firefighters, police, EMT, and ordinary civilians who did the extraordinary not only on 9/11 but also in the days following. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sacrifice!!!!!
I will never forget!
We will never forget!
I do have a runner slant to this as well. In my September issue of Runner's World, they have a section about 9/11 and how running played a part in helping them to cope with the tragedy. One of the stories is about Lyz Best-she is the widow of Jeremy Glick-Flight 93. She and Jeremy used to run together, she was a casual runner at the time, but following 9/11 running "made her feel good when nothing else did." On November 6, she will run the NYC marathon in honor of Jeremy. There will be 21 other marathoners who lost loved ones on Flight 93 running that day as well. She finished her article with these words, "I love you Jeremy. This one's for you." For more stories from runners on how running helped them to cope after 9/11, go to www.runnersworld.com/september11. Hope you check it out...the stories are very moving.
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