Monday, November 11, 2013

Hansons Marathon Method

In preparation for the Myrtle Beach Marathon in February, I've decided to follow Hansons Marathon Method. The philosophy behind this "different" way of thinking is based on the teachings of Arthur Lydiard. Cumulative fatigue results from repetitive training and doesn't allow for full recovery between training days. I am already up to 50 miles per week and I just began week 5 of 18. I will peak at 60-70 miles per week toward the end of the plan. Some other differences include: the longest mileage in one day is 16 and the tempo run is done at goal marathon pace. The more I read the "why" behind their plan, the more I like it. It's worked well for me so far. I'm not overly fatigued and am able to complete my SOS (something of substance) workouts. Each week I have a tempo run, long run, and speedwork. There is one rest day or easy mileage and the other days are easy pace. I'm excited to see what the marathon holds this time around! Oh and I forgot to add that my buddy found me 2 pairs of Brooks Green Silence!! They don't make these anymore but he found me some! These are my favorite trainers!!