Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tobacco Road Marathon Race Report March 18, 2012

Let me begin by saying that the last I heard, the man who went into cardiac arrest at Myrtle Beach was going to be okay! Very happy!!

Following my disappointing finish at MB, Bobby and I discussed my doing another marathon pretty quick like. I didn't push myself too hard at MB so he thought it would be okay. We waited a couple weeks to see how my long runs went-how I felt, etc.-before deciding. I seemed to be doing pretty good, so he said I should try again...only this time we decided I would not "broadcast" my plans. In my defense, I know there are many of you who like to read my posts and follow my running, so I enjoyed having you along for the ride on my way to trying to BQ. We thought that maybe the expectation of wanting to BQ and everyone knowing my plans added to my stress of the day and may have hindered me--now I'm not making any excuses--I tanked at MB and couldn't qualify. It was my fault. But, we wanted to try something different this time so, I signed up for Tobacco Rd 2 weeks ago. It was very weird not putting anything on facebook about the race and having only a handful of people even knowing I was running. So, if you think I was a little irritable last week, now you know-I was tapering! LOL! I didn't try to hide it, if I was asked what my next race was, I told them. 

Anyway, on to the race itself...I did a good job of carbo loading this week (I do not want any pasta for at least a week for sure haha) and keeping hydrated. Someone asked me on Friday how I felt and I said-the same way I did before Myrtle (which was good and ready to run) so we will see. Race morning was normal for me-I had gone to bed about 8:30pm and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 1:00am! I tried to rest until 3:30am and then it was time to get ready! Yay! I'm feeling good, legs feel good, and it has stopped raining. My "taxi driver" aka Will, who was not so bright eyed and bushy tailed, rallied out of bed at 4:30am so we could leave for the race. He had to work but had graciously offered to drop me off--I love my husband!! We only got "lost" once but managed to find the drop off zone by 5:45am. It was a short walk to the baseball complex and one of my favorite and necessary places--the bathroom! Now it is time for my pre-race warmup and once that was done I went to the bathroom again and went to meet my 3:45 pacer. I told him if he helped me BQ he would become my new best friend and he assured me he would be able to help! Cool! One last trip to the potty and off to the start line. Man, was it crowded as I weaved my way to the pace group. I planned to stick like glue to the 3:45 man. The race started off great...until after mile 6 and then I started losing pace with my group. I felt good, I just couldn't keep up. Slowly, I saw them inch away from me. Not again, I thought! I kept on and tried to keep an even pace-it didn't go so well. Many things are going through my mind (you do know that racing is as much mental as physical right? it can be tough-the mental part!). I began to think that I needed to change my goal for the day. I wanted to finish in 3:50 or under 4 hours. I had done it before--I could do it again. I was also thinking how in the world did I run the entire marathon at Disney without stopping one time. I can't believe I ever did that! So, I had good miles and I had not so good ones. I stopped when I needed to and ran as "fast" as I could for that particular moment. There was a time that I realized I could actually still BQ but it would take extreme effort. Of course, I didn't have extreme left in me this day. Finally, I reach mile 23, then 24, then 25. One more to go. When I hit mile 26, I thought, okay this .2 will be the longest ever! I was booking it--as much as I could, almost at 4 hours and I needed to finish quick. I forgot we were going to finish uphill-good grief-my last 10 steps were almost slow motion-I had nothing left to give. But, I finished in 4 hours-I haven't seen my official time yet though. This is what my watch will be right around that time. So, my take on today is that, for now, I'm not going to worry about Boston. I mean, if it was easy to qualify, everyone would be doing it, right. I love running too much to keep stressing myself over this. Once I turn 45, my time goes up by 5 minutes anyway haha! I am looking forward to some shorter races over the next few months, a relay race with my Cap Run buddies in November, and I am pretty sure I will be running the Dopey/Goofy Challenge at Disney next January! That is a 5K, Half and Full all in a 3-day period- worth 4 medals!! And Disney medals are THE COOLEST!

Thanks to all who came out to cheer me on today-a few were missing that I wish could have been there but it meant a lot for the others to come! My 2 sisters were there to give me a ride back home. Thanks to Jenna Pearsall for taking such great pictures! Mel, Scar, Karen, Paul, Debbie, Charles, Blanka, and all the others too! I didn't mean to leave anyone out! Thanks to the wonderful volunteers at the race! They were awesome!!! See below for my intervals today and a few pictures!

                                    Near Mile 23--almost done!
                                Me and Jack! He BQ'd at MB!
                                           Me and Jenna!


18:12   8'12"/mi
216:28   8'16"/mi
324:32   8'04"/mi
432:55   8'23"/mi
541:11   8'16"/mi
649:34   8'23"/mi
758:17   8'43"/mi
81:07:24   9'07"/mi
91:16:43   9'19"/mi
101:25:49   9'06"/mi
111:35:20   9'31"/mi
121:45:20   10'00"/mi
131:55:00   9'40"/mi
142:04:26   9'26"/mi
152:13:25   8'59"/mi
162:22:00       8'35"/mi
172:31:37   9'37"/mi
182:40:56   9'19"/mi
192:49:28   8'32"/mi
202:59:39   10'11"/mi
213:09:01   9'22"/mi
223:17:49   8'48"/mi
233:28:30   10'41"/mi
243:38:25   9'55"/mi
253:48:21   9'56"/mi
263:57:33   9'12"/mi